Category: travel (Page 3 of 14)


We arrived in Ireland Wednesday morning after an overnight flight from DC, and are now in the process of re-setting our internal clocks, unpacking, catching up with people, and generally getting settled back into life at home in Ireland. We are very thankful for an uneventful trip, and it’s great to sleep in our own beds!

Washington, DC

Today we are in Washington, DC where we will catch a flight to Dublin tomorrow. Until then we are visiting with old friends, and also some dinosaurs at the Smithsonian. We have enjoyed our adventures in America, but the best part is seeing so many people we love. That makes transitions like this the hardest, though. Wherever we go, we have to say goodbye and miss people who are somewhere else. It’s good to know God is already in the other airport!

Memorial Service

On our way back to Virginia from the beach in South Carolina, we stopped for a day in North Carolina to attend the memorial service of Seth’s grandfather, Robert Peach. Although a funeral had already been held, this service was scheduled later to enable more family members to come (we also posted about Grandpa on April 30th after he died). The service was full of hope and joy in the Lord, even though we miss him greatly. The tributes that were given spoke of a man who was not merely successful or funny (which he was), but who lived intentionally for the Lord in everything he did. His legacy is seen in his family, where all his children and grandchildren live for the Lord, in his church, and in the work he did to the glory of God, both professionally and voluntarily. We can’t wait to see him again.

Myrtle Beach


This week we joined Jessica’s family for their summer vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Even with forecasts that have been questionable, we have had beautiful sunny days and the boys have spent them mostly in the water. It is wonderful to have time to relax, read, and just have fun together. What a blessing!

Vacation Bible School

This week Seth and Jessica are helping with Vacation Bible School at Daleville Baptist Church in Virginia. The boys are also able to attend, which is a first for them. They have really been enjoying the high-energy songs, games, crafts and have been telling us all about what they have learned in the interactive Bible lessons. They have also been able to make time for a water park and zoo this week. I guess it’s no wonder they’ve been sleeping in later than usual…


This weekend we made our way up from Alabama to Virginia (about 8 hours on the road, and surprisingly few tears) where we are now staying with Jessica’s folks and getting to visit with churches and friends we have not seen for ages.

In other news, last week Seth learned that his great-grandfather, who was a Christian worker on the streets of Chicago, was known at the end of his life as “a friend to the friendless”. May God grant us the grace to carry that legacy forward.

8am In Alabama

It’s a bit past 8am as I (Seth) write this in Alabama. It is 24°C and supposed to get up to 31° today. By comparison, in Youghal the high is 15° today. I have already been to a Bible study this morning, which started at 6:30 at a local restaurant. In Youghal, no restaurant would be open at 6:30am. Most things don’t open there until 9am. But even though I am used to a different schedule after living in Ireland, I am so glad I got up for the study. To be together with a group of men who are serious about God, serious about taking responsibility for their families, and willing to get to the heart of difficult things even if it ruins the impression that they have it all together – that is something I would get up any time to be part of.


We’ve been in Alabama nearly a week now, and it has been so nice to see family (most of them had not met Rebekah), catch up with old friends and get to know other folks better. Not to mention catching fireflies and picking fresh blueberries and cherries. Tomorrow Grandma camp starts, so the boys will get to enjoy spending time with their cousins as well.

A Foreign Land

Coming to America last Friday meant coming to a familiar homeland for Seth and Jessica. The sight of ant hills, smell of pine trees, and feel of the muggy air brought back good memories for us. But getting off the airplane here felt different for Daniel and David – for them, America is still something of a foreign land full of differences like biscuits that are not for dessert, doorknobs that are round (they didn’t know what to do with them at first), and cold air coming out of the floor. It’s fun to get to show them everything here, but strange to think of how different their experience of growing up will be from our own.

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