Category: our support (Page 4 of 4)

An End, or a New Beginning?

Both. Life is about to drastically switch gears as we move into a new situation: Parenthood! But that’s not all – Seth is graduating from seminary on May 19th and our last month on staff at Daleville Baptist Church is August. This will be a huge year of transitions to say the least! One of our new focuses is building a support team that will, as they say, “hold the ropes” so that we can follow God’s leading to Ireland. We need 75% of our monthly support coming in before we can attend “pre-field orientation” (a requirement before leaving for the field) which we hope to attend in November. Right now we are at a little over 10%. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us to bring the Good News of the Gospel to the Irish people? Check the information page for details. Do you know other churches or individuals who may be interested in becoming part of this ministry? Let us know!

God Provides!

It is my very great pleasure to inform you that we have received the money we need for our vision trip!! Thank you so much to all who partnered with us for this trip!! Don’t forget to lift us up to the Father as we make some life-defining decisions!!

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